

Inotiv RTP, as part of contract support to NICEATM, routinely uses In Vitro to In Vivo Extrapolation (IVIVE) for predictive toxicology applications. In this presentation, IVIVE was used to predict in vivo outcomes of Valproic Acid  and its 9 analogues in Developmental Toxicology by using a biomarker based human pluripotent stem cell assay. This presentation was based on a paper by Inotiv’s Dr. Xioaqing Chang for which she won the 2023 James G. Wilson Publication Award. 

Download your copy of the presentation to learn more about NAMs technology in DART studies in use at Inotiv, including:

  • Inotiv’s continued investigation of NAMs to promote the 3Rs

  • Potential Replacement of in vivo DART studies with predictive in vitro studies 

  • Methods to look at in vitro data to predict in vivo outcomes


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