

The Comet assay is routinely used at Inotiv to test chemicals for DNA damaging potential. Sometimes circumstances dictate that analysis of slides or tissue samples prepared for the Comet assay be delayed or result in decisions to re-score a slide to confirm a result. However, neither stability during prolonged storage nor the effect of repeated staining on slide quality and data integrity have been determined. We investigated these parameters and presented on this at the Genetic Toxicology Association meeting.
Download your copy of the poster to learn about our research into Comet assay modified practices including: 
•    The impact of prolonged storage on the quality of data obtained from Comet slides and CometChips;
•    Determination whether de-staining scored Comet slides and CometChips prior to storage extends their utility
•    Evaluation of the stability over time of flash frozen chunks of tissues for subsequent analysis in the comet assay.

Request the scientific poster