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Rodent surgical models play an important role in advancing our understanding of heart failure (HF) and its causes.
Our technical article, “Advancing Cardiovascular Research with Myocardial Infarction and Transverse Aortic Constriction Surgical Models,” explores the key features of these innovative models that help researchers develop new heart failure therapies.
Our MI and TAC models are consistent across cohorts and have been validated internally and by industry partners. Upon request, implanted RFID microchips are available for both the TAC and MI models, allowing researchers to continually monitor numerous endpoints, such as blood pressure, heart rate, and activity for up to eight weeks.
Download today to understand how:
- TAC models can help evaluate the efficacy of interventions to limit cardiac hypertrophy and HF-associated pulmonary hypertension
- MI models provide a progression of LV dysfunction and HF parallel to the process in humans
- Both MI and TAC models help researchers understand the downstream effects of ischemia and evaluate new therapeutics
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