

Presented at SPS 2023

Inotiv recently announced the addition of non-human primate Safety Pharmacology capabilities. Ty Speece presented a poster on the “Evaluation of Implantable Cardiopulmonary Telemetry with Non-Restrained Cynomolgus Monkeys in the Latin Square Design: An Alternative Surgical Approach”, at the Safety Pharmacology Society meeting in Brussels, Belgium. Current implantable telemetry technologies provide the ability to monitor multiple physiologic systems (cardiovascular and respiratory function) in a single safety pharmacology study using the same animals. This methodology could lead to a reduction in the number of animals used and experimental refinement that would allow a connected interpretation of any drug responses with a potential correlation between cardiovascular and respiratory effects.

Download your copy of the poster to learn nuances of using multiple monitored endpoints in a single study, including:

  • Techniques to improve data quality and blood pressure catheter patency

  • Importance of skilled surgical implantation

  • Refined placement and size of blood pressure catheter

  • Location of leads

  • Sensitivity of NHP respiration component in the study

  • Effectiveness in predicting respiratory effects in humans



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