
The benefits of NSP testing

Non-sacrificial panel (NSP) testing offers several advantages over traditional monitoring methods. While the latter method requires the animals to be euthanized, euthanasia is not necessary with NSP testing. Moreover, results are faster and equally or more reliable than traditional methods.

NSP testing also provides valuable cost benefits by reducing shipping costs and sampling and preparation time. Our new white paper details the results of several recent validation studies utilizing this innovative testing technology.

Learn how NSP testing can help advance your next study.

Explore the results of several recent studies undertaken to validate the performance of NSP tests. NSP tests rapidly and reliably detect various agents, helping labs better adhere to the principles of the 3Rs.

NSP methods include:

  • Dried blood spot (DBS) sampling
  • Oral swabs
  • Fur swabs
  • Fecal samples
  • Environmental samples

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